DinnerKam Do Restaurant & Bakery


Kam Do Restaurant & Bakery is a Hong Kong style cafe diner that is easy on the wallet with gi-normous portions. You can find the restaurant in Richmond, just a few doors down from Leisure Tea & Coffee.

Housed at the front entrance is Kam Do’s Bakery with all sorts of tasty goods you’d find at a typical Chinese Bakery. To the left and towards the back end is the rest of the restaurant. Large booth seating and walls are decked in a muted pinkish salmon color. Wear and tear is showing.

(Above: Mixed Grill — a mountain of meat.)

We were here with friends who forewarned us about the large portions. Tre and I ordered a Western style dish: Lamb shanks and spaghetti, which came with a drink, soup of the day, garlic bread and two appetizers of your choice from the menu. We chose a fruit salad and chicken wing. Our friends shared a mixed grill.

(Top to bottom: 1. Roasted Lamb Shank with Spaghetti 2. Borscht Soup.)

First up, Chinese style borscht soup with carrots and celery in a sweetened tomato broth. Then, garlic bread: a lightly buttered garlic spread on a lightly toasted piece of french white bread. Our appetizers, fruit salad and a fried chicken wing were up next. The sweetened potato salad were mixed with a few pieces of fruit. The fried chicken wing was good, but felt a bit lonely — it was literally one wing.

Our friends’ grilled mixed plate arrived first, and it was freaking huge. Layers of grilled meat (chicken, beef, pork) topped with a fried egg with grilled onions and gravy. The empty plate afterwards indicated our friends were satisfied with their dish.

Our dish took an unusually long time to arrive. 15 minutes after our friends’ main course arrived, two huge pieces of lamb shanks (although they were mostly bone) topped with gravy over spaghetti landed on our table. The lamb was perfectly cooked and fall apart tender. Our meals also came with mango jello for dessert. It was ok.

(Top to bottom: 1. Chicken Wing and Fruit Salad. 2. The Iced Lemon Tea is refillable.)

The bill, including taxes taxes and tips (plus free refill on drinks) came to $34, which is a great deal for a group of four. Lucky for us, dinner was on our friends (thanks guys). Overall, the food was okay and the service was spotty. It’s not a place we’d go out of our way to return. However, the meals are a great deal and perfect for sharing.

Perfect for: Feeding a small army.

The Details

8391 Alexandra Road, Richmond

Kam Do Restaurant & Bakery on Urbanspoon

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