Dessert49th Parallel Coffee x Lucky Doughnuts (Main Street)

[rating: 4]

Main Street’s latest resident is 49th Parallel Coffee Roaster’s second establishment featuring a spacious cafe and a selection of doughnuts made fresh, in-house by their very own side project, Lucky Doughnuts.

Unlike their West 4th location, the Main Street location has toned down the slickness, opening up the spaces with a generous amount of wood and touches of old metal. Everything about this cafe speaks to the craft with which they approach both their coffee and doughnuts.

They are home to the first Kees van der Westen “Spirit” espresso machine in Canada (an imposing stainless steel, steampunk-like contraption) that squeezes out a mean cup of espresso out of 49th parallel’s own blend of artisanal beans.

Lucky’s doughnuts — their in-house confectionary — creates a selection of small batch sugar cakes tailored to accompany their brew. Their classic doughnuts are a perfect balance of light, cake-like goodness coated in a glaze of glory. The advantage of having your own in-house bakery is the ability to experiment with your recipe, so we’ll have to make a return visit to try out some of their more eclectic creations.

Two doughnuts and a cup of Americano will run you around $10 including taxes and tips — not necessarily the cheapest thrill in town, but if you plan on actually sitting down and enjoying your coffee and doughnut with some good friends, you could do worse than 49th parallel and Lucky’s.

Perfect for: a Canadian continental breakfast: coffee and a doughnut.

The Details

49th Parallel Coffee
2902 Main Street, Vancouver


49th Parallel Roasters Café on Urbanspoon

Lucky Doughnuts
2902 Main Street, Vancouver

Lucky's Doughnuts on Urbanspoon

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