BreakfastDutch Wooden Shoe Cafe

[rating:4] :

Nothing’s more Dutch than a pair of wooden shoes. Or maybe Dutch pancakes. The owner of The Dutch Wooden Shoe apparently started the De Dutch Pannekoek House chain. You have him to thank for that. After founding the chain, he likely got fed up and cashed out — and opened up The Dutch Wooden Shoe, his own take on the classic Dutch Pancake House. Incidentally, the Dutch don’t eat pancakes for breakfast, that’s just an annoying North American habit.

Located on Cambie, right in the middle of the Canada Line construction war zone, The Wooden Shoe probably survived the construction madness because of the long lines of loyal customers that would wait patiently outside the door of this hole-in-the-wall every weekend for brunch.

They have a seat yourself policy — as long as the table you seat yourself at isn’t occupied. They tend to frown upon that kind of stuff. If you’ve ever been to De Dutch before, you’ll find many of the menu items familiar: pancakes topped with everything from bananas to bacon and some less familiar: like fried rice. Yes, fried rice — and no, I haven’t tried it.

For those unfamiliar with Dutch pancakes, expect something less like American flapjacks and more like French crepes: thin and oversized like a big pizza pie. I like mine with two eggs over easy and a side of thinly sliced sausage. Case prefers something a little sweeter: grilled bananas with cinnamon and whipped cream, a more decadent start to the morning.

The coffee here is decent, the staff friendly and the dining room whimsically adorned with all sorts of Dutch trinkets and memorabilia like beer glasses and replica clogs. This is one of those rare places that is family friendly without the Disney-like atmosphere.

The Details

3292 Cambie St, Vancouver

Dutch Wooden Shoe Cafe on Urbanspoon

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