Food CartKimono Koi Crepes

!As of 2011, Kimono Koi Crepes is no longer in operation.

Kimono Koi Crepes is a food cart serving both sweet and savoury Japanese style crepe on Georgia and Granville. They’ve managed to snag the enviable spot right outside the Vancouver City Centre Canada Line station, taunting hungry train riders as they proceed from one point to another.

Case and I stumbled upon this pink cart decorated with hearts and images of geisha girls, initially passing right by. Feeling peckish, we doubled back and ordered their savoury Ham and Cheese crepe.

Japanese Crepes are a little different than the traditional French variety, tending to be filled with a lot more unusual ingredients — many of which will leave you scratching your head.

(Above: Ham and Cheese Crepe stuffed with lettuce, Japanese seaweed and drizzled with teriyaki sauce and mayo.)

The Ham and Cheese sounded benign enough, but Kimono Koi ensured that extra twist by topping it with Japanese seaweed and drizzling it with teriyaki and mayo. The combination seemed to work — the soft, slightly chewy crepe held together this bedlam of flavours that somehow managed to find a bit of harmony.

At $6.75 including taxes, Kimono Koi is neither a bargain, nor is it pricey. Although the Ham and Cheese crepe was tasty, I’m not sure it’s one of those things we’d keep coming back for. Maybe if we’re in the mood for dessert, we’ll give one of their sweet, dessert-sounding crepes a try.

Perfect for: a little taste of organized chaos.

The Details

Granville Street & West Georgia Street, Vancouver

Kimono Koi Crepes on Urbanspoon

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