DinnerKnight & Day

[rating:1] :

Knight and Day

Normally, we avoid doing reviews on chain restaurants. But, I couldn’t let this one pass. It’s snowing like crazy out and Tre and I wanted to grab a quick bite to eat before we head home. The closest spot nearby was Knight and Day. We haven’t been here in ages. The food is over priced, not tasty and the restaurant usually have a stale odour wafting through the air. But I figure it’s been a while, maybe it’s improved.

Knight and Day

When we walked in, the place was empty. Because of the snowfall, I decide to put my suspicions aside. The air stunk like the stale odour I had earlier suspected. To my surprise, we were greeted by the same waiter who waited on us many years ago at the Knight and Day at the Kingsway location. It was eerie. He looked the same, sounded the same, it really creeped us out. He hadn’t aged. He was like the Benjamin Button character who’s old but gets younger over time.

As we looked over the menu, we see the prices have increased. So we decided to keep our order to a minimum. I am already thinking the food isn’t going to be great, but was very curious about the yam fries. The waiter, however, didn’t know about the yam fries and insisted they had no such thing, until we pointed it out on the menu. He glanced at the menu and was surprised that it was revamped. To go with our fries, we ordered a plate of nachos and a couple cups of coffee. I knew it was a bad idea, but I figured it’s pretty hard to screw up a plate of nachos. We overheard our waiter complain to the cooks about how he didn’t know there was a new menu. Afterwards, he came back and told us there was no yam fries and suggested their regular fries instead. We declined and stuck with our nachos. At this point, I’m thinking we should just run.

When the nachos arrive, I was horrified. It looked like a pile of crap was thrown together on big piece of tortilla. Crumbs that you would usually find at the bottom of the bag was served as our nachos. It consisted of stale cheese, jalapeno peppers, tomatoes, olives and green onions. Side cups of yucky salsa, sour cream, and a bottle of ketchup was served to compliment our nachos. I am not sure why we were handed the bottle of ketchup, but Tre and I laughed as we attempted to eat this.

To sum up — the food blows! I don’t know if the cooks couldn’t make it in during the wintery blast and passed the duties on to the cleaning staff. There was no ambience, although it was cool to watch the snow fall outside our window above the booth. The ceiling was leaking badly near the washrooms. I had to squeak by so I didn’t get wet. The bill came to just under $23 including tip — definitely not worth it. The upside: our waiter was very attentive. He refilled our coffee cups several times. But then again, the place was empty, so what else was he going to do?

Before we left, the bus boy or cook (we weren’t sure which it was) suggested we fold our tortilla in half with the remaining nacho crumbs and take it home. We politely declined.

The Details

3684 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby

Knight & Day on Urbanspoon

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