BreakfastCafe Medina

[rating: 4] :

Cafe Medina

Cafe Medina is the brainchild of staffers from the highly successful sister restaurant, Chambar, located next door. The idea: serve some kick ass, globally influenced, Belgian breakfast in a cool, renovated space on Beatty Street. Cafe Medina is a much welcomed addition to the curiously named Crosstown (who’s actually responsible for naming these areas, anyway?) neighborhood, filling the breakfast void in the area nicely.

Cafe Medina

(Top to Bottom: 1. Coffee Bar at Cafe Medina. 2. Belgian Waffles with Pistachio White Chocolate and Fig Orange Marmalade toppings.)

Like most restaurants in Vancouver with any modicum of success — waiting in line for a table is de rigeur. And so it is with Cafe Medina. I would recommend scratching your name onto the piece of paper taped to the door frame directly to your right upon entry. Despite the restaurant being packed tighter than a sardine can, and half a dozen people waiting before us — the highly efficient and energetic staff was able to turn over tables and seat eagerly awaiting patrons quickly without rioting or fisticuffs.

First things first — we needed a caffeine fix, so Case and I ordered two cups of Americanos which turned out to be some of the best coffee we’ve had. We liked it so much, we ended up ordering one to go after our meal. Case was already eyeing the waffles as it was being made up front when we came in. So she ordered two with Pistachio White Chocolate and Fig Orange Marmalade toppings. The lovingly misshapen waffles were lightly crispy on the outside; and the toppings were sinfully decadent.

Cafe Medina

(The Cassoulet, three kinds of fatty meat and two eggs over baked beans. mmmm.)

I ordered the Cassoulet: duck sausage, andouille sausage, bacon and two eggs over a bed of homemade baked beans served on a quaint cast iron pan. Okay, so perhaps this dish is a a bit rich for breakfast — but it was so worth it. The fatty meats were deliciously… fatty; the eggs done perfectly sunny side up; and the baked beans were uniquely spiced with whole peppercorns and might even had a hint of anise. We can understand why Cafe Medina is consistently packed, as our practically flawless meal came in around at just $35 for the two of us.

Perfect for:

Kick ass breakfast, waffles and coffee.

The Details

556 Beatty St, Vancouver

Cafe Medina on Urbanspoon

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