Out of TownPortland

Portland, Oregon

We here at Noshwell try to do our best to stick to our roots — keep it fresh, keep it interesting, and most of all keep it local. We love Vancouver and all the culinary curiosities it has to offer. One reason we don’t review restaurants from our travels is twofold: 1. We don’t know the locale, and aren’t familiar with the neighborhoods. 2. We want our readers to have the best possible chances of actually trying out the places that we write about. Therefore, reviews about a nice little cafe in Paris or trattoria in Italy would serve no more than a cruel tease to most readers (not that we’ve been to any of those places ourselves).

Portland, Oregon

Having said that, Case and I took a road trip down to Portland this Christmas break with four friends: Mike, Virg, Steve and Yi-Fan. We feel that Portland is one of those cities that is close enough that most anyone from Vancouver could jump in a car and visit over a weekend. Plus, we’ve heard the food culture there was alive, kicking and screaming. Therefore, we thought it would be a disservice to not write about it. We were, unfortunately, not able to try out the famed Portland Food Carts as half the city appeared shut down most of the time we were there.

So we humbly present to you our first Out of Town series: Portland. Over the next couple of weeks, we will post reviews of Portland eateries we’ve encountered on our trip. If this works out, we may expand this to other cities. For now, enjoy.

tre & case

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